Golden Mai
Food for thought ... Nourishment
for millions.

Loiminchay’s Golden Mai
(Rice) pen is composite of
rice grains, pure gold and Urushi
lacquer. This splendid creation
is achieved after numerous
polishing and refining proce-
dures. To put rice (food) physic-
cally on writing instruments
(mind) forming a nutritious new
life to the pen – the concept is
significant. Minute pieces of
eggshells in a mosaic pattern on
both top and bottom of the pen
also completed the concept.

Golden Mai is food for thought.
Without the written words, there
simply is no easy way to record
human civilization. Golden Mai,
nourishment for millions.

Limited Editions:
63 pcs. total production with
silver, vermeil, 18K gold, white,
yellow and green jade clips.